Discussion Series
Facing the challenges to dignified aging can be overwhelming. You are not alone. There are millions of seniors and their adult children looking at the same brick wall - depleting resources in an effort to overcome its obstacles and continue on a rewarding path of aging. Today's caregivers make heart wrenching decisions, are forced to assume heartache, and suffer great losses while caring for their elderly parents.
Staring at the brick wall alone can be intimidating. Consider this… what happens when the massiveness of the wall is put into a more manageable perspective, say to the size of a doorway?
And better yet, what happens when you are joined by others confronted with the same challenge?
Yes, a breakthrough becomes more of a possibility.
There must be a better way, with real solutions, instead of each person attempting to knock down the entire wall in a hopeless solo act. The Preserving Our Legacies Series puts perspective on the issues and pulls together resources to get past the challenges, and move to solutions that work for your family.
As it has been said “many hands make light work”… be a part of the breakthrough. TBatchelor Geriatric Advisory Group brings you the Preserving Our Legacies series focused on the need for geriatric care improvements. Tonnalee Batchelor, AARP award winner and founder of TBatchelor Geriatric Advisory Group, is joined by her daughter, urban planner and development specialist, Tuona Batchelor, to shed light on problems and solutions to a century of challenges.
Learn more about the upcoming public forums and radio shows.